
How Can You Make Study Abroad a Turning Point in Your Career?

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Beverly Sills

It is often said that there are no short cuts to success. But that doesn’t mean that the journey to your dreams has to be strenuous.

And who is going to help you get there?

Fear not, for Flyworld is here. We are one of the best study abroad consultancy in Kochi, Kerala, with subsidiaries in countries like Australia, the UK, Europe, Canada, and the UAE. Our overseas education specialists will collaborate with you to to make your dream of studying abroad a reality.

So what is the reason for this growing frenzy over studying abroad? According to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), as of 2022, over 13 lakh Indian students are studying abroad. Out of this, 70% of Indian students move abroad for specialised courses, while 30% enrol in general degree courses.

What attracts students to foreign countries?

Or, in other words, what is the importance of overseas education?

Well, there are a number of benefits to studying abroad. As an individual, you will be able to access opportunities that you might not have dreamt of.

How can you make study abroad a turning point in your career? How is it possible with the best overseas education in Kochi? There are a plethora of factors that influence students’ decisions to migrate and study abroad. Let’s have a look at these factors:

  • Education
  • Take in a New Culture
  • Improve Your Language Abilities
  • Career Opportunities
  • Personal Development
  • Graduate School Admissions
  • Life Experience


Foreign universities have a well-developed system of education and instruction. They have cutting-edge facilities and industry-leading standards.

Along with being technologically advanced, they also have provisions for student support like scholarships and maintenance allowances.

Then comes a collection of the most popular and next generation courses to choose from. World renowned instructors will be involved with the institutes, and exposure to great people will help you become more knowledgeable. This knowledge could be useful in your future as well.

New Culture

Moving to a new country could be challenging and exciting at the same time. While dealing with these challenges, you become more self-reliant and able to take care of yourself. Exposure to a new culture could help you gain a whole new perspective on life and the world around us. Such cultural experiences could build an effective social network that might be a plus when you start a career.

Improve Your Language Abilities

Being in a foreign land could mean that you will need to learn a new language as well. An additional language or foreign language proficiency will always look good on your personal profile. Also, multinational companies hire individuals with proficiency in various languages. Learning a foreign language is a gateway to huge career opportunities.

Personal Development

Going abroad means getting out of your comfort zone. And by getting out of your comfort zone, you become independent. You become independent, which helps with personality development. A good personality is the key to a great career. Foreign land and foreign life expose you to better opportunities.

Life Experience

You become experienced when you live far from home and fend for yourself.

You become independent mentally, physically, and financially. Such stability could take you a long way in your career as well.

So it could be rightfully said that going abroad opens up a door to infinite opportunities. You too can achieve a great career with a world class lifestyle.

So enough of the waiting.

Pay a visit to our office soon.

About us

One of the pioneering institutes in the field of overseas education and migration, Flyworld Group, is devoted to making foreign education accessible to everyone.

Currently, Flyworld is the leading study abroad consultant in Kochi.

Under the strong guidance of Tara Namboothiri (migration and law expert), our team has helped innumerable students reach their dream destinations with easy procedures and minimum effort. Our counsellors could help you select a suitable country, course, and institute.

So it’s time to make your dreams come true. Visit us soon to make the impossible possible.


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