
Top Study Abroad Consultants for Indian Students

Internal education is considered a gateway to better education and quality of life by many Indian students. There had been over 3,00,000 Indian students migrating to European, American & Australian countries in pursuit of high-quality education. Top study-abroad consultants in Kerala, ensure that Indian students land in world-class universities across these countries.

The question arises as to why there is a considerable flux of Indians migrating to these countries. Study abroad agencies in Kochi cite education quality, a wide range of career options, niche programs, cultural intermixing and learning, and international-level education. As one of the best study abroad consultancies in Kochi, we research the efforts to update the education system put by universities in these countries. Our study abroad consultants help students enroll in these countries with the least hassle and ease.

Being the finest Education Consultants in Kochi, we must provide you with genuine information about the top countries for education abroad.

Here are the top 5 countries we provide for students and reasons to why enroll there:-


Canada is a warm and friendly country with a stable economy, attracting many international students. The country delivers top-class graduate, post-graduate and diploma programs in the field of Healthcare, Engineering, Information Technology, Business and more. The education system in Canada is highly competitive and ensures that the curriculum is updated to the requirements of the modern day. Canada also provides ample part-time working opportunities, alongside robust theoretical and practical knowledge from their learning curriculum.

In addition, Canada has an attractive landscape and welcoming atmosphere. The global-level experiences and perspectives gained are valuable for every student migrating to Canada. Top study abroad consultants in Kerala will help you in every stage of migrating to Canada for education, from choosing the right course to course application, availing visa, grooming and more.


Australia provides a research-oriented learning alley. Australian Universities also have a Go8 program. The country is a top contributor to improved research output, and training. For Indians looking for acing in research and higher studies, Australia stands tall as the best option. The well-trained and experienced faculties and the latest technological and theoretical update in the curriculum helps provide an extensive array for research and development. The country also has almost half of the tuition fee for the U.S. & The U.K.

Study abroad agencies in Kochi will help you in attempting to avail the generous scholarship provided by the government. Study in Australia – The country also has a multicultural educational atmosphere, which prepares you well enough for the real world at an international level.

United Kingdom

The UK has become the most in-demand educational hub for Indian students. The intake has crossed over 6,00,000 students per year. The country prioritises students’ information from specific countries, and India falls within the top five. Indians mainly flock in for MBA & Nursing courses. The country also offers stay-back options, which can provide ample income for living expenses and save up. Apart from that, the UK has always remained at the pinnacle of world-class education, boasting the renowned Harvard University under its wings. The country provides sufficient practical and theoretical knowledge on par with the requirements of the modern day. The country also offers ample opportunities for part-time work.

Being one of the best study abroad consultants in Kochi, we continue to enroll students in the UK in top universities and for world-class courses.

United States of America

The US is considered the pinnacle of technological and economic development. The country host universities that provide educational opportunities that prepare you modern free-market economy. The US and Silicon Valley have seen the uprise of major entrepreneurial ventures that connects the world. The country accepts people from around the globe according to the merit of contributing to business and entrepreneurship. If you aim to get into a start-up life post-study, our study abroad consultants will help you cut through into acquiring seats for top-tier courses in the US.


Known for providing education free of cost, the country continues to attract students from across the world, and within all economic strata. However, proficiency in the German language is a criterion you must fulfil. The country has a wide range of globally approved courses that you can enroll in. The German employment market provides you ample income to live a life of fulfilment and save enough to be sent to your family in India.

Your bright future is the path to our growth, and we commit entirely to what we do. With us, the best overseas education consultants in Kochi, you can effortlessly cross the barrier to avail educational opportunities in various countries to create a limitless future.


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